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More custom orders!!!


One of the coolest things about running a small shop and being an artist is being able to create such a huge variety of things. I occasionally get to create custom stickers/designs/decals for people who reach out and it is literally my favorite thing. It is so cool to just be able to draw something up for someone and have them be fuckin stoked on it. I rarely charge extra for customs unless it is something I know will take a lot of extra time, but I am usually able to draw stuff up pretty fast for people so I don't mind at all. Here is a cool decal I got to create for someone today, he had reached out and told me he had this cool decal on his car for YEARS and he finally had to get rid of the car but the decal is nowhere to be found anymore because he bought it in like (2000?) So I happily drew it up and cut it out and I'm throwing it in the mail tomorrow. He's stoked, do I have any idea what it means? no. Am I thrilled to do it? Fuck yes. MORE OF THIS PLEASE!!!

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